Saturday, April 23, 2022

State of Beings

 I was once held, 

and in that embrace i felt

i felt the unconditional truth of love

how sweet to eat

how beautiful to know

it caught me on the corner

at the street light in the middle of the night

walking and remembering how it changed me

rearranging all my passings into wisdom

breathing on my skin as the cool breeze breathes me in

as the rain drops fell to a consistent poly rhythm of the sound of my heart

to behold a rich seed in your soil

growing into  tree that is loyal to the earth you walk on

to be held, 

to be holding, 

to be heard

to be known

Zach Mutan // 35 mm


Danny //35 mm
                                                                                                                                     directly into the the eye

can continue into the soul

a new direction. Peace behold

Please be still, i have grown tired of 

those who do not understand what it bares

stillness, and quiet

the spirit moves in that place

kati // 35 mm

after a piercing phrase

and during a peering gaze 

You tell them how you actually feel when they ask

"How are you?"

Me. "Oh, Im working through. I feel alot  

i dont need you to say, I know what you mean.  Know what I mean?

Maybe just hear me out. And, no that doesnt mean you can sit here. 

You know what I mean?


                                                                          Rowa//Roshack Lady// Kate// 35mm